They see me ridin', they laughin'

Readers, forgive me, for I have not blogged. It has been seven days since my last blog. The events leading up to our first game are pretty insignificant. So, let's skip to the game and then come back to the other stuff if there's room.

Our first game was yesterday against Vejle. (Don't worry, I can't pronounce it either) The game was at 1pm and with Daylight Savings Time we had to be on top of our game, and we were. Promptly arriving to our meeting at 11:30am, we we made it through one of the toughest days of the year for any foreigner.

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Tuesdays with Tiff? On a Monday?

Since I've gotten several requests to blog more often because some people lay around under the covers all day waiting for me to blog, I've decided to please my crowd.

But I will say this, you're welcome Simba, you big complainer you.

Last time I wrote, I told you about all that crazy things I've been doing while I've been here. And this one won't be much different. We had a scrimmage on Saturday against one of the top teams in Sweden, Linkopings FC, and we beat them 1-0. It was cool to get a win against a quality team, especially considering it was the first time we all played together.

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So many activities... well, not really.

Since the last time you joined me, a lot but not a lot has happened. If that makes sense. Training has been pretty intense. We have actually done quite a bit of running. Though most of it involves a ball. My trainer Mike LeGates once told me, "I could get you to run to China if there's a shot waiting at the end of it." Pretty true.

So there's that.

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What's worse than snow? One thing.

Let's see, what do I have for you today.

Yesterday we had the day off. And I needed groceries. And couldn't get in touch with the Norwegian with the car, also known as Lisa Marie Woods. So, Lydia and I biked it to Fakta and had to lug our stuff back. I really felt bad for myself. I thought, oh life, why are you so difficult sometimes? Then I saw a photo of someone who had it a little worse, and changed my tune.

After we got our groceries, the snow began to pile up. I thought it was a joke, naturally. But it was real.

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Party Time: You Pick the Theme

As I've gotten older, I've  realized how much of life is to be analyzed. It's not just a case of oh, that person is mad so they must be mean. It's more of, that person is mad or sad, maybe something is bothering them; maybe they are dealing with something other people can't understand. Makes you rethink how you treat people...

I have also found that there are a lot of people who are mad or sad and really there isn't anything wrong with them. All that is wrong with them is the pity party that is inside their head. They feel sorry for themselves for whatever reason. And this, in my opinion, is a choice.

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"Mom, if you ever have to make me go to practice, that's how I know I'm done playing."

"'s a choice you make." This is the end of a conversation I had with a young soccer player recently. She told me she wanted to play professional soccer when she was older. And I told her what it takes.

Well, I told her one thing that I thought it took. And one decision I made without knowing I made it.  And I guess it was something soccer taught me without knowing it for a long time... but now I see what I have learned.

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I Still Believe

Life is interesting being a female. All your life you're told that you can do anything.

But is it true?

It's funny because I think I went through phases. When I was little I believed I could truly do anything. I could go to the moon, play professional soccer, invent the next greatest thing and become a millionaire.  As I got older, the thought became that I could do some things, but probably not everything. I could possibly play professional soccer, if there was a league. The moon didn't seem too realistic and the only thing I might be able to invent was myself. And now, in my late 20s, I have fallen back to the beliefs of my youth and think anything is possible.

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